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Now I know we are all stuck at home right now and what comes with it is mindless snacking lol. I have received dozens of emails from my clients around this topic over the last few days. 

We are all spending extra time at home right now and we are more bored than usual and as a result and before we know it, we have blacked out and eaten half the pantry haha. I get it trust me I do. Snacking un-necessarily is one of the biggest things that is going to have us gaining unwanted weight during this covid – 19 isolation time.
So, with that being said I want to help. Below I have written out my top FIVE (5) tips to help you stop yourself from snacking while you are bored at home:

1.   My first and biggest tip to help curb snacking is to not have un-necessary snacks in the house. If you’re at home and bored and you know in your mind that there is chocolate and other nasty treats in the cupboard, then you can guarantee and bet your house on it that they will be gone. When you do your shopping at the start of the week (with whatever is left in the supermarkets lol) only buy what’s 100% necessary and don’t buy extra snacks for you and the family and leave them out of the house – PERIOD!
2.   My next tip is to do with having some other “healthy treats” around the house that have far less calories in them then the other nasty foods we tend to look to. Some ideas are protein mousse, healthy protein pancakes, protein balls, healthy dark chocolate slice to name a few. If you need extra ideas, I have 100’s of them. Go and check them out for FREE in the member’s section of my website:
3. My next tip to help is don’t restrict yourself of the foods you love completely this is 100% where so many people go wrong. There is not one single person on the entire planet that goes 100% of the time living without their favorite food. Aim to operate under the 80/20 rule where for 80% of the time you’re consuming “healthy” foods that nourish the body then the other 20% of the time you can have the foods you love in moderation. This is such a good, balanced way to go about living this lifestyle in a healthy, controlled fashion rather than depriving yourself and then as a result binge eating. This doesn’t create a healthy relationship with food at all and something I highly recommend not doing.

4. My next tip is around self-control. You’re going to need to have some form of discipline and self-control during this time. Have some snacks in moderation and then don’t go overboard. If you do go over that doesn’t make you a bad person, it makes you HUMAN! Don’t beat yourself up simply move on, stay positive and get back into your healthy eating with the very next meal. #MoveOn

5. My last tip to stop yourself from snacking is to fill yourself up by staying hydrated and to drink plenty of water. This will not only help you to stop yourself from snacking, but it also has so many other benefits as well. 

I hope these tips help. We are in this TOGETHER. If you need help putting together a custom home workout program and meal plan to go with it so you know exactly what you’re eating and it features some of the snacks you love calculated perfectly into your plan CORRECTLY then hit the link BELOW:

Chat more soon legends,​


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